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The World Economic Forum’s Dystopian Agenda: Unveiling the Globalist Plot to Control Every Aspect of Your Existence

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its founder Klaus Schwab are pushing to usher in their globalist agenda that seeks to control every aspect of public life.

In 1971, Schwab took $6,000 in seed money and transformed the WEF from a humble gathering of economists into the world's most exclusive club for global elites.

The WEF started as a "not-for-profit" organization but now rakes in a staggering $390 million, annually.

Investigative journalist Seamus Bruner has recently released a book that exposes the WEF's plans and reveals how Schwab has established his influence as a puppeteer on a global scale.

Bruner has led the teams whose findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clintons and the Bidens.

Currently, he is revealing the individuals with immense wealth who manipulate the mechanisms of authority, exerting influence over every facet of your existence.

The narrative of the book, titled "Controligarchs: Unveiling the Wealthy Elite, Their Hidden Agreements, and the Worldwide Scheme to Influence Your Existence," delves into the financial trail that extends beyond the politicians within the corrupted realm of Washington D.C. and instead focuses on the pinnacle: Davos.

It is in this tiny Alpine town in Switzerland that the jet-setting billionaires and shadowy bureaucrats are plotting out the next decade of our lives.

The combined market value of the leading members of WEF, which include major corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Google, Comcast, and Pfizer, exceeds $10 trillion.

If you add BLackRock, a $10 trillion asset manager, the total amount would be doubled.

BlackRock's founder and CEO Larry Fink is a WEF board member.

So, with more than $20 trillion-- greater than the GDP of every nation in the world except that of the United States-- sloshing around in its member coffers, it is easy to grasp why the WEF can exert extraordinary influence.

But WEF's ongoing dominance over world governments has achieved much more than mere money ever could.

The organization's economic power achieves political and social control.

The many ways in hwihc the WEF is plotting to control society's future are bone-chilling.

Key items on the agenda include the globalist takeover of not just finance, but also energy, food, health, personal information, and technology.

Controligarchs unveils the hidden truth and provides a comprehensive insight into the dystopian systems and strategies that the WEF is intensifying.

Essential elements in the WEF's plan comprise:

Implementing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital IDs
Instituting "climate lockdowns" and rolling blackouts
Banning gas vehicles and stoves and throttling thermostats
Developing lab-grown meats
Patented seeds, and insect-based "foods" for the general public to consume
Expanding mandatory medical technologies
Pushing artificial intelligence (AI) and transhumanism
Schwab's infamous "Great Reset" declaration amid COVID-19 demonstrated that the WEF was intent on using the pandemic to influence the present and command the future.

With control over crtical industries and infrastructure, the WEF and its unelected globalist allies such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, and the World Health Organization (WHO) will have unprecedented control over every aspect of our lives.

These are not plans for a distant future, however, as the WEF's campaign is already underway.

The central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are being developed diligently by the Bank of International Settlements, which serves as the central banker for other central banks.

ACcording to BIS chairman Agustin Carstens, CBDCs offer "total control" over the money supply and the public, as Slay News reported.

By implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the international financial system would have the capability to economically exclude (or "deprive banking services from") an individual, a company, an entire community, or even a whole nation.

The WEF proclaims there has been "exponential growth" in CBDC exploration.

Last month, the Atlantic Council confirmed the "momentum behind" CBDCs "remained strong" throughout 2023.

Since there is no crisis lending itself to CBDC urgency, they are being touted for there convenience.

The WEF and Larry Fink from BlackRock have both highlighted the advantage of migrants being able to reduce the amount of time it takes for cross-border transactions when sending money to their countries of origin.

When Schwab announced the "Great Reset," he told the world that, after everyone got vaccinated, the lockdowns would end and the world would rebuild in a "greener" way.

At that time, the connection between the pandemic and climate change was not apparent.

However, it is now evident that the relationship has become clear.

The concept of a "climate lockdown" is not farfetched.

California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, who shares a strong connection with the World Economic Forum (WEF), has been advising the residents of his state that they need to alter their actions and make sacrifices in terms of their comfort and liberty for the benefit of the larger community. Newsom's strategies involve imposing restrictions on the use of home thermostats, limiting long-distance travel, and in the near future, phasing out gas vehicles and stoves.

The alleged threat of "climate change" has also allowed governments around the world to upend long-established methods of agriculture by banning traditional fertilizers and flatulating protein sources like cattle.

Restrictions supported by the World Economic Forum are driving farmers to the point of extinction.

To "solve" the self-manufactured, forthcoming global food shortage, WEF members and allies like Bayer-Monsanto, Beyond Meats and Impossible Foods, and innovative insect-based protein startups, have entered the fold.

The controligarchs heavily investing in this sector are Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Virgin Galactic's Richard Branson.

In the previous month, a gathering called "50-in-1" was organized by WEF partners, such as the UN and the Gates Foundation. During this event, participants made commitments to implement digital identification systems in 50 countries over the course of five years.

Why? Digital IDs linked to digital medical records stored on your cell phone are an incredibly effective way to track your vaccination status.

For over ten years, several partners of the World Economic Forum, including Bill Gates, have been working on a compulsory digital identification system.

However, the use of COVID-19 vaccine passports showcased the potential of utilizing digital identification to effectively enforce adherence from citizens.

The digital ID associated with the European Union's WEF is actually a continuation of the system created for Europe's vaccine passport.

During a UN-sponsored event in 2010, Gates emphasized the importance of vaccines, stating that they would play a crucial role. He proposed a system where every birth could be recorded through cell phones, obtaining fingerprints and location information. This system would enable healthcare providers to ensure immunizations are administered effectively and improve overall healthcare management.

The World Economic Forum frequently masks the negative aspects of the futuristic strategies being developed by its collaborators.

However, Controligarchs sifted through hundreds of hours of forgotten videos and thousands of pages-- many of which have been scrubbed from the internet-- to reveal that WEF visionaries like Yuval Noah Harari boldly tout innovations like brain microchips, happy pill-style complacency drugs, and eugenics-style gene editing.

Make no mistake, digital IDs plus CBDCs equals a de facto social credit score.

On the other hand, Harari holds the belief that it is possible to "hack" the entirety of the human body.

According to Harari, the COVID-19 pandemic played a significant role in persuading individuals to embrace and validate comprehensive biometric surveillance.

But simply monitoring everyone is not enough.

In the future, "we need to monitor what's happening under their skin."

The initiation of subdermal microchips is just the starting point, as the entirety of the human body becomes a platform for peculiar globalist testing and control under a centralized system.

According to Harari, throughout all of history, death has always been the ultimate equalizer.

Yet the so-called FOurth Industrial Revolution proposed by Schwab will give birth to a new caste system in which poor people still die off.

The world's wealthy elites, meanwhile, "in addition to all the other things they get, also get an exemption from death," Harari gloats.

Elites then will be able to purchase immortality through biotechnological upgrades-- to transcend humanism itself.

The WEF has started implementing numerous alarming plans that restrict freedom.

Other sectors subject to WEF-aligned takeover include housing in "15-minute cities," education through AI advancing "social-emotional learning," the information flow via the crackdown on so-called "disinformation," and more.

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