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Whistleblower Exposes Shocking Data: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Millions of Deaths Worldwide

New Zealand authorities have entered into a state of damage control after being confronted with a recent data breach that reveals the extent of harm caused by COVID-19 vaccines on human health.

Barry Young, a 56-year-old whistleblower, was taken into custody following accusations of unauthorized entry into New Zealand government's COVID-19 vaccine information and and subsequently distributing it online. Young, who used to work as an IT staff member for the health agency known as Te Whatu Ora, now confronts the possibility of serving a maximum of seven years in jail for disclosing the data.

The data he shared appeared to show that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more than 10 million people around the world, killing roughly one person for every 1000 doses administered, on average. He provided the data to New Zealand journalist Lisa Gunn and the AMerican tech millionaire STeve Kirsch, who writes about COVID-19 vaccines and other topics on Substack. Both individuals have said that they believe the data proves the vaccines are killing massive numbers of people.

Young is currently facing one charge of dishonestly accessing the health authority's databases and has not entered a plea. When he entered the courtroom, his supporters were so enthusiastic that the judge warned them that if they disrupted the proceedings, they would be asked to leave.

Anyone who hosts leaked data could lose everything on their server

While the New Zealand court system tries to silence Young, a vaccine watchdog group in the country has warned that anyone who is currently hosting the data he shared online could lose everything that they have on there server.

Kevin McKernan, a renowned genomics expert from the United States, revealed that his MEGA account had been abruptly shut down. It is believed that this drastic measure was taken in response to a directive from the New Zealand Ministry of Health, which aimed to prevent the dissemination of data that had been leaked by Young. It is alleged that McKernan had mirrored Kirsch's data on his server, facilitating easier access and analysis for interested parties.

The scientist's server contained not only the leaked information, but also crucial medical genome and vaccine sequencing data worth approximately $200,000. As a leading researcher in DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna, McKernan has now lost all his valuable sequencing data, which was a significant setback for his work.

Meanwhile, Kirsch reported that Wasabi, the site where he hosted the whistleblower data, closed his account without notice.

Authorities may find it futile to go after those who are hosting this information because the data is already available on the dark web and is stored securely on numerous servers. Despite their attempts to remove it, the information will never completely vanish.

During his appearance on Infowars, Young elaborated to host Alex Jones on his motives behind sharing the information.

He expressed that after examining the data, he was astonished by what he observed following the implementation. He witnessed an increasing number of preventable deaths, which was clearly evident to him.

He mentioned that he has had doubts regarding the safety of the vaccines ever since they were first introduced during the peak of the pandemic. He also stated that he noticed significant concerns in the data he analyzed, such as a greater number of vaccine-related deaths in New Zealand than what was officially reported by the health agency.

He said: "I want people to analyze this, I want people to look at it ... we need to open it up and the government needs to have an inquiry about it. Just bring it to the public's attention."

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