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We Form – Israeli Judicial Overhaul: An In-Depth Look

The Israeli judicial system has long been a topic of debate, with numerous calls for reform over the years. However, the latest proposed overhaul by the Israeli Defense Minister has sparked controversy and drawn criticism from various quarters. In this article, we take a deep dive into the proposed judicial overhaul, its potential implications, and the criticisms surrounding it.


The Israeli judicial system is a complex web of courts and legal bodies, with a Supreme Court at the top. The Supreme Court has been the subject of much debate, with some arguing that it wields too much power and others maintaining that it plays an essential role in safeguarding democracy in Israel.

Recently, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz proposed a bill that would significantly alter the current judicial system. The proposed overhaul would, among other things, reduce the power of the Supreme Court and establish two new courts.

Proposed Changes

The proposed changes are significant and have generated considerable debate. Here are the key aspects of the proposed overhaul:

  • Reducing the number of Supreme Court judges from 15 to 11
  • Limiting the court's power to review government decisions
  • Establishing two new courts - a constitutional court and an administrative court
  • Removing the Attorney General's role in appointing judges and giving that responsibility to a government committee
  • Setting a term limit of eight years for the Supreme Court President


The proposed overhaul could have far-reaching implications for Israel's legal system and democracy. Supporters of the bill argue that it will reduce the power of the Supreme Court, which they believe has overstepped its boundaries in the past. They also claim that the establishment of the two new courts will increase efficiency and improve the administration of justice.

However, critics argue that the proposed changes will undermine the independence of the judiciary and increase political influence over the legal system. They maintain that the reduction of Supreme Court judges will lead to a more conservative court and a limitation of checks and balances on government power.


The proposed overhaul has generated considerable criticism from various quarters. Here are some of the main criticisms:

  • The bill's sponsors did not consult with the legal community before proposing the changes.
  • The reduction in the number of Supreme Court judges could lead to a more conservative court, which would be less likely to defend minority rights.
  • The establishment of the two new courts could lead to delays and inefficiencies in the legal system.
  • The removal of the Attorney General's role in appointing judges could lead to more politicized appointments.

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