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China’s Response to Recent US Delegation’s Visit to Taiwan

China Raises Concerns Over US Delegation's Visit

China has voiced its concerns and and urged the United States to halt what it perceives as "interference" in Taiwan's affairs following a visit by a group of US lawmakers, led by Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher, known for his critical stance towards Beijing. This move comes amidst escalating tensions between the US and China, particularly regarding the Taiwan issue.

Understanding China's Stance on US-Taiwan Relations

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao NIng emphasized the sensitivity and complexity of the Taiwan question, urging Washington to refrain from engaging in any official interactions with Taiwan authorities. China staunchly opposes US interference in Taiwan affairs, emphasizing the need for American officals and legislators to cease all official contacts with Taiwan to prevent sending any signals supportive of "Taiwan independence."

Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher's Statement

During the visit, Congressman Mike Gallagher reaffirmed the United States' unwavering support for Taiwan's freedom, emphasizing bipartisan solidarity. Gallagher's statement echoed the broader US stance on Taiwan, highlighting the commitment to stand by Taiwan amidst growing tensions with Beijing.

Taiwan's Response and International Engagements

In response to the delegation's visit, Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen expressed determination to strengthen international partnerships and engage with the global community. This reaffirms Taiwan's proactive approach to bolstering its diplomatic ties amid escalating tensions in the region.

Recent Escalations in Tensions

The visit comes amid escalating tensions between Taiwan and Beijing, exacerbated by recent incidents such as the pursuit of a mainland fishing boat by Taiwanese coast guard vessels. The unfortunate incident resulted in the death of two mainland fishermen, further intensifying tensions between the two sides.

China's Firm Stance on Taiwan's Status

China regards Taiwan as an integral part of its sovereign territory and vehemently opposes any attempts towards formal independence. Despite Taiwan's self-governance since 1949, the majority of countries, including the US, adhere to the 'One China' policy and do not recognize Taiwan as an independant state.

US-Taiwan Relations and Military Sales

Despite the lack of formal diplomatic recognition, the US has maintained informal diplomatic and security relations with Taiwan. This includes significant military sales worth billions, aimed at enhancing Taiwan's defense capabilities. Such moves have consistently drawn criticism from Beijing, further straining US-China relations.

US Approval of Military Sales and China's Reaction

The recent approval of a $75 million deal for advanced communications and logistics gear by the US State Department has elicited a negative response from China. Beijing perceives such sales as undermining its sovereignty and security interests, warning against any actions that could jeopardize peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region.

In Conclusion

The recent visit by a US delegation to Taiwan has further heightened tensions between the US and China, particularly concerning the sensitive issue of Taiwan's status. China's firm stance against US interference in Taiwan affairs underscores the complexities of the geopolitical dynamics in the region, with both sides asserting there respective interests amidst growing uncertainty.

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