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Is WorldCoin’s Eye-Popping Offer a Glimpse into Our Biometric Future?

It seems WorldCoin wanted to give Kenyans a sneak peek into a future where our eyeballs become the hottest crypto commodity – move over, Bitcoin! All it takes is a simple eye scan, and voila, you're richer (and probably more googly-eyed) than ever! But wait, the Kenyan Ministry of the Interior decided it's time to hit pause on this dazzling eye show. After all, who needs privacy when you can have a crypto fortune, right? WorldCoin's Orb might have us seeing stars, but one thing's clear: our biometric future is getting curiouser and curiouser.

In a surprising move, the Kenyan Ministry of the Interior has taken the decision to suspend operations of the controversial tech firm WorldCoin and similar entities within the country. This decision comes in the wake of an initiative by WorldCoin, co-founded by Sam Altman of OpenAI, offering free crypto tokens to individuals willing to undergo eyeball scans using a device known as the Orb.

Controversy and Concerns

Thousands of Kenyans eagerly queued up at registration centers to take advantage of this novel opportunity to receive free cryptocurrency. However, the Ministry of the Interior issued a statement highlighting concerns related to security, financial services, and data protection. The statement announced that relevant agencies have initiated inquiries and investigations to ascertain the legitimacy and legality of these activities, as well as the safety and utilization of the harvested data.

Government's Stance

Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua expressed his frustration with the technology, emphasizing the importance of protecting citizens from becoming unwitting subjects and their data from being harvested. Another government official, Kithure Kindiki, assured the public that comprehensive measures would be taken to safeguard public safety and the integrity of financial transactions involving a substantial number of citizens.

The directive asserts that any individual or entity associated with furthering, aiding, abetting, or engaging in these activities would face appropriate action until the government deems WorldCoin's operations safe. In response to the directive, police were deployed to disperse crowds at a registration center in Nairobi.

Legal and Security Implications

Despite not violating any Kenyan laws, WorldCoin's activities have raised concerns about security and regulatory issues surrounding data collection and privacy. Eliud Owalo, an ICT official, acknowledged that while WorldCoin has adhered to current data laws, there may still be security concerns that need to be addressed within the existing legal framework.

WorldCoin's Stance

WorldCoin co-founder Alex Blania defended the company's intentions, asserting that the company has temporarily paused its World ID verifications in Kenya to collaborate with local regulators and address their queries. Blania emphasized the company's commitment to privacy and expressed regret for any delays experienced by the people of Kenya.

Global Identification System and Privacy Concerns

WorldCoin's overarching goal is to establish a global identification system using iris scans, designed to verify a person's human identity. The company contends that as Artificial Intelligence (AI) advances, distinguishing between humans and machines will become increasingly challenging. However, WorldCoin's approach to data collection, especially in developing nations like Kenya, has sparked criticism and attracted the attention of data protection regulators.

Ethical and Exploitative Concerns

Investigations into WorldCoin's practices have raised ethical concerns, particularly regarding the collection of biometric data in exchange for crypto tokens. Critics have pointed out that the techniques employed by the company, especially in developing countries, could be exploitative. For instance, in Kenya, the company has been gathering data in return for crypto tokens equivalent to Ksh7,000.

Future Outlook

In the face of these challenges, Blania reaffirmed his commitment to privacy and stated that World ID is designed with privacy at its core. He expressed the company's anticipation to resume operations while continuing its global rollout.


The suspension of WorldCoin's operations in Kenya underscores the complexities and implications of biometric data collection in the digital age. As the world grapples with the balance between technological advancement and individual privacy, the actions taken by governments and tech companies alike will play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of data security and digital identity.

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