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Can Canada Counter China’s Intimidation Campaign? Conservative Motion Sparks Action and Controversy

The resolution that was put up by Conservative Party MP Michael Cooper was successful in getting through Canada's House of Commons, which is an important milestone. The resolution, titled "Interference by the People's Republic of China," which called for action against China's intimidation campaign targeting Canadian Members of Parliament (MPs) and citizens of Chinese heritage gained overwhelming support from opposition parties. It was also given the title "Interference by the People's Republic of China." This article examines the specifics of the motion and the impact that it will have on relations between Canada and China.

The Motion's Urgent Appeal for Action Against Intimidation by the Chinese

The motion brought forth by the Conservative Party was approved with a vote count of 170-150, and it requests that the Liberal administration, which is led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, take quick action against the intimidation tactics employed by China. The motion calls on the government to take the following actions in particular:

1. Establish a Registry for International Agents
The motion proposes the creation of a foreign agent registration that would be analogous to the registries that already exist in Australia and the United States. This registry would assist in the tracking and monitoring of foreign agents operating within Canada, helping to ensure both transparency and the protection of national security.

2. Launch a comprehensive, countrywide public investigation
In order to address the problem of involvement from outside sources in our elections, the motion calls for the creation of a national public inquiry. This inquiry would investigate and expose any attempts by foreign entities, particularly China, to influence Canadian elections, thereby protecting the legitimacy of the democratic process and guaranteeing that Canada's elections are free and fair.

3. Put an end to the operation of police stations by the Chinese
Concerns have been expressed about China's operation of police stations within Canada, raising questions about their genuine purpose and the possibility of meddling in Canadian internal affairs. This resolution seeks to prevent the People's Republic of China from exerting any undue influence or conducting any surveillance activities on Canadian soil by calling for the closure of these police stations that are run by the Chinese government.

4. Expel Diplomats Responsible for Intimidation
The motion demands the expulsion of any and all Chinese diplomats who were involved in the planning and execution of the campaign of intimidation directed at the democratic process in Canada. It references studies by Canada's security establishment, including testimony from the committee of the House of Commons, that emphasize the extensive breadth of China's intimidation operations directed against members of parliament and their families.

In the wake of the spying scandal, a Chinese diplomat was kicked out.

As a result of his involvement in a surveillance scandal that targeted Member of Parliament Michael Chong and his family, Canada recently expelled Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei, which coincided with the motion's successful passage. The expulsion represented a decisive response on the part of Canada, emphasizing the country's commitment to preserving the security of its democratic institutions as well as its national security.

Position of Canada Towards Chinese Threats of Expulsion and Intimidation

Despite the fact that Wei was finally sent back to China, the Liberal Party voted against the resolution, despite the fact that the motion clearly asked for the expulsion of diplomats involved for intimidating witnesses. The government's position on Chinese intimidation, as well as the efficacy of its reaction, are both called into question by this apparent contradiction.

CSIS Confirms Spying and Intimidation by the Chinese Government

MP Michael Chong was notified by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) that he and his family were the focus of an espionage and intimidation campaign conducted by Zhao Wei, an agent of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). CCP stands for the Chinese Communist Party. During a meeting in Ottawa, the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), David Vigneault, confirmed that the espionage occurred because of Chong's support for a vote that condemned the conduct of the CCP in Xinjiang as genocide.

A Plea for an Objective and Independent Public Investigation

Opposition parties, and the Conservative Party in particular, have been pressuring Prime Minister Trudeau to launch a comprehensive and independent public probe into the allegations of Chinese interference in the Canadian election. The goal of such an investigation would be to promote transparency on issues pertaining to foreign influence while also conducting an exhaustive investigation into allegations of Chinese interference in Canadian electoral processes.

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