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Bombshell Study Reveals COVID-19 Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs: A Preliminary Trial Run for a Depopulation Agenda?

The study, conducted by Professors Atsushi Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, analyzed the sequences of Omicron variants and found evidence of a novel mechanism for variant formation that defies explanation by conventional biology. The researchers conclude that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is likely a meticulously planned global experiment in human inoculation and social manipulation, and that the design of this experiment and the nature of the virus employed make it probable that it is a preliminary trial run.

Biden’s Balancing Act: White House Eyes Limiting Hunter Biden’s Public Profile Amid Legal Troubles and Electoral Concerns

Jen Psaki, former press secretary for President Biden, expressed the White House’s desire for Hunter Biden to limit his public engagements due to the potential negative impact on the President’s re-election campaign. Hunter Biden’s recent public statements and legal issues have caused concern for the President and his team.

Confronting the Painful Past: Khoi-San Community Demands Justice from Dutch Royals for Colonialism and Slavery

The Dutch royal visit to the Slave Lodge in Cape Town sparked protests from the Khoi-San community, who sought an apology and reparations for slavery and colonialism. The Slave Lodge symbolizes the oppression of indigenous people under Dutch rule, which had a significant impact on the region. The Khoi-San continue to face challenges such as land dispossession, unemployment, and gender-based violence, and seek recognition and justice for historical wrongs.