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Is Handing Over Sovereignty to WHO the Key to Global Pandemic Preparedness?

In a bold call to action, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has emphasized the urgent need for world leaders to relinquish the sovereignty of their nations and entrust it to the WHO as a crucial step in preparing for future pandemics. Highlighting the imminent threat of a deadlier and more pervasive pandemic than COVID-19, Tedros urges immediate action to avoid catastrophic consequences. This article delves into the significance of Tedros' appeal and the ongoing efforts at the 10-day annual World Health Assembly in Geneva to address global health challenges, including the development of a pandemic treaty.

The Looming Threat of Another Pandemic

According to the WHO's director-general, the world stands on the brink of another devastating pandemic. Tedros warns that this impending crisis will surpass the severity and global reach of COVID-19. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he declares that merely postponing necessary measures is not a viable option. The next pandemic is poised to strike, and the need for comprehensive preparedness measures has never been more apparent.

Building a Solid Defense: Handing Over Sovereignty

Tedros passionately advocates for nations to transfer their sovereignty to the WHO, stressing that the organization is best equipped to handle the complex challenges of global health crises. He argues that a unified global response, under the guidance of the WHO, is crucial to effectively combat future pandemics. By pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and coordinating efforts, countries can maximize their ability to respond swiftly and efficiently to emerging threats.

Addressing the Global Health Assembly

The 10-day World Health Assembly, coinciding with the WHO's 75th anniversary, serves as a platform to discuss pressing global health issues. This year's assembly aims to tackle critical concerns, including the prevention of future pandemics, the eradication of polio, and supporting Ukraine's health emergency following Russia's invasion. The 194 member states of the WHO are actively involved in drafting a pandemic treaty that will be put up for adoption during next year's assembly.

A Generation's Commitment to a Pandemic Accord

Tedros emphasizes the importance of securing a commitment from the present generation to the pandemic treaty. Having experienced firsthand the devastating impact of a minuscule virus, the current generation must take responsibility and actively participate in preparing for future crises. This commitment ensures a collective effort to prevent, detect, and respond to pandemics with the utmost efficacy.

Budgeting for the Future: Strengthening WHO Funding

During the World Health Assembly, member states approved a substantial budget of $6.83 billion for the years 2024-25. This decision reflects a crucial step towards rectifying the WHO's funding model, which has been criticized for its insufficiency and reliance on unpredictable donors. As part of this budget, member states have agreed to a 20% increase in mandatory fees, demonstrating their commitment to reforms in budgeting, governance, and financial policies.

A Call for Continued Reforms

U.S. Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs, Michele J. Sison, highlights the importance of ongoing reform progress in determining future increases in funding. This approach ensures that the WHO operates efficiently and effectively, with sustained commitment from member states. Additionally, countries from Central and South America emphasize the urgent need for the WHO to address chronic underfunding in their region, emphasizing the importance of an equitable distribution of resources.


With the world poised on the precipice of another catastrophic pandemic, the WHO's call to world leaders to hand over their nations' sovereignty represents a critical step toward global pandemic preparedness. As discussions continue at the World Health Assembly and the development of a pandemic treaty gains momentum, it is imperative for nations to unite under the guidance of the WHO. By combining resources, expertise, and sovereignty, countries can bolster their ability to respond effectively to future pandemics, safeguarding global health and well-being.

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