World Real Raw News

Israeli Police Clash with Worshippers at Jerusalem Holy Site

The recent clashes between Israeli police and worshippers at a holy site in Jerusalem have caused concerns over the escalation…

1 year ago

United Nations and the World Economic Forum have plans to Regulate Water Supply

As part of their "Great Reset" goal for mankind, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have instructed…

1 year ago

A toxic train derailment in Ohio has made members of the government sick

According to a statement released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than half of the government…

1 year ago

The topic of transgender rights and legislation is a critical issue

In today's world, the topic of transgender rights and legislation is a critical issue. Recently, there was an attempt to…

1 year ago

Planned demonstration by a trans activist group

I understand that there is a controversial situation involving a planned demonstration by a trans activist group called the Trans…

1 year ago

Rise of the Rebel: Embracing Alternative News

The era of blindly consuming mainstream media is over. As the world becomes more complex, so must our news sources.…

1 year ago

Storm Clouds Gathering: Trouble Looms Ahead

Dark clouds are gathering on the horizon, signaling that trouble is looming ahead. The air is heavy with anticipation and…

1 year ago

Germany’s largest strike in decades causes widespread disruption

We are witnessing one of the largest strikes in Germany's recent history, with tens of thousands of workers across various…

1 year ago

Devastating Tornadoes Strike Mississippi, Claiming At Least 14 Lives

The state of Mississippi has been hit by a series of deadly tornadoes that have caused widespread devastation and claimed…

1 year ago

A soldier from Australia has been charged with committing war crimes in Afghanistan

Oliver Schulz, an Australian soldier, has been charged with murder by the Australian Federal Police for the death of a…

1 year ago