World Real Raw News

Is Food Rationing the Government’s Answer to Inflation?

Are our esteemed leaders secretly cooking up a gourmet plan to tackle inflation with food rationing? It seems like a…

12 months ago

The Impact of the Online Safety Bill on Freedom of Expression in the UK

In a significant development, the British government has recently passed the Online Safety Bill, granting law enforcement officials the authority…

12 months ago

The Unraveling Unity: Poland’s Shift in Support for Ukraine and Its Implications

In a surprising turn of events, it appears that the unified Western support for Ukraine is beginning to crack, and…

12 months ago

Are Bill Gates and George Soros Secretly Turning Africa into a Sci-Fi Experiment Hub?

Ah, the wild world of conspiracy theories! We've just scratched the surface of this mind-boggling narrative that suggests Bill Gates…

1 year ago

Is Ukraine’s ‘Kill List’ Real? A Threat to Free Speech?

So, folks, as we navigate this bizarre and bewildering world of international intrigue, let's hope that someday we can all…

1 year ago

Is London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s Eco-Friendly Overhaul Too Good to Be True?

Amidst all the buzz surrounding his ambitious climate initiatives, you might wonder if he's secretly plotting a "no-meat, no-dairy, no-fun"…

1 year ago

Is the UK Energy Bill Saving the Planet or Robbing Your Fridge?

Is the UK Energy Bill, with its ambitious Net Zero goals and criminal charges for non-compliance, the savior of our…

1 year ago

Is Klaus Schwab’s “Talentism” the Cure-All for Humanity’s Woes?

Klaus Schwab's grand vision of "talentism" – a world where unelected corporate elites call the shots, and capitalism is yesterday's…

1 year ago

Is Our Brave New World of Monopoly Media and Algorithmic Censorship the Death Knell for Free Speech?

In a world where Big Tech calls the shots and algorithms are our silent overlords, we can't help but wonder,…

1 year ago

Is Maryland’s 10-Day Mask Mandate for Elementary Students a Necessary Precaution or an Overreaction?

Maryland's 10-day mask mandate for elementary students, a topic that has sparked more debate than the age-old question of "chicken…

1 year ago