Political Real Raw News

Is Judge Tanya Chutkan’s Gavel Tinged with Blue? Unraveling Political Bias in Jack Smith’s Case

Judge Tanya Chutkan, the self-proclaimed "Master of Subtle Political Symphony," takes center stage in the judicial theater once again. With…

1 year ago

Is Illinois Governor Pritzker’s New Law a Game-Changer for DACA Recipients and Police Relations?

Well, it seems like Illinois is giving us all a lesson in 'Lawmaking 101' with this latest move. Who knew…

1 year ago

Can Bill Barr Survive a Bridge Jump if Trump Wins in 2024?

Well, well, well, it seems like former Attorney General Bill Barr is feeling quite adventurous these days. If Trump snags…

1 year ago

Is Facebook the Puppet of the Biden Administration? Leaked Emails Reveal Startling Truth!

Well, well, well, it seems like Facebook took a page from the political playbook and danced to the Biden administration's…

1 year ago

Is Ice Cube Too “Independent” for Mainstream Media? Race, Politics, and the Media Circus

It seems like the mainstream media might have trouble handling Ice Cube's "dangerous" independence! Who would've thought that having a…

1 year ago

Are Lawyers now Comedians? Uncovering the Dark World of Asylum Fabrication

Who knew that some lawyers moonlight as stand-up comedians with their creative storytelling skills? Fabricating horror stories, faking medical records,…

1 year ago

Did JP Morgan Chase Bank Close Mercola Market’s Accounts Due to Controversial Views?

JP Morgan Chase Bank, the mysterious enigma of banking decisions! Closing accounts of a health company for daring to have…

1 year ago

Bold Testimony on Government Censorship: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Stands Firm in House Hearing

After witnessing the epic showdown of a censorship hearing trying to censor a censorship hearing, one can't help but wonder…

1 year ago

The End of the ‘New World Order’: Protecting Democracy by Dismantling Globalist Bodies

German MP Christine Anderson recently delivered a powerful message, signaling an imminent end to the era of the 'New World…

1 year ago

Is the Democratic Party Neglecting Black Communities? A Georgia Lawmaker’s Defection Sparks Controversy

Well, well, it seems like the Democratic Party is having a tough time holding onto their mindless slaves! Who would…

1 year ago