Political Real Raw News

Hillary Clinton’s Mention in Latest Epstein Document Dump: What It Reveals

In a recent revelation tied to the unsealing of documents related to Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton's name surfaces for the…

9 months ago

Julian Assange Regrets WikiLeaks’ Inability to UNcover War Crimes and Corruption

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, regrets the organization's inability to expose war crimes and corruption due to US government persecution,…

9 months ago

Restricting Chinese Land Acquisition Near Military Bases: A Strategic Move

In a bold move to fortify national security, recent actions have been taken to restrict land acquisition by Chinese entities…

9 months ago

The Revelation of ‘Doe 36’: Unveiling Bill Clinton’s Involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein Case

Recent developments have shed light on a compelling narrative surrounding the late Jeffrey Epstein's case, notably involving a significant figure--…

9 months ago

Trump’s Warning: Implications for the National Economy

In a post shared on his Truth Social platform, Donald Trump suggested that if he does not return to the…

9 months ago

Is Your Tax Mailbox Ringing? IRS ‘Collection Notices’

The IRS, notorious for its letter-bombing tactics, is back in action, ready to grace your mailbox with reminders about unpaid…

9 months ago

Vivek Ramaswamy’s Bold Stand for GOP Integrity

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican presidential candidate, has withdrawn from the Colorado primary ballot in protest of the state's decision to…

9 months ago

US senator calls for bombing Iran

Lindsey Graham wants the IRGC headquarters "blown off the map" In a Fox News interview, the South Carolina Republican argued…

9 months ago

Addressing the Migrant Influx: Collaborative Solutions for Urban Challenges

In recent times, several major cities like New York, Chicago, and Denver have encountered a substantial increase in migrant populations.…

9 months ago

Governor Gavin Newsom Makes Shocking Confession: “I Am an AI Programmed by Disney”

During his defense of the policy allowing male prisoners who identify as women to be transferred to women's prisons in…

9 months ago