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Biden’s War Threats: Is Trump’s Assassination the Red Line for Iran?

In an unprecedented diplomatic move, US President Joe Biden has reportedly drawn the line at assassinating Donald Trump. That’s right—Washington might consider it a friendly gesture if Iran takes a jab at any other former official, but Trump? No way. It's war! Let's explore this situation that straddles the line between high-stakes international diplomacy and a comedy sketch.

Biden’s War Declaration: Over Trump?

Imagine this: Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed leader of the free world, gathers his National Security Council and delivers an ultimatum to Iran. “Try and take out Donald, and you’ll have us to answer to,” is essentially what Biden told them—according to the Washington Post. In case Iran had plans to scratch that Trump itch, they’ve now been warned: the US will consider it an act of war.

Sure, Biden and Trump don’t exactly send each other Christmas cards, but defending his political arch-nemesis like a knight in shining armor? That’s a plot twist. You'd think protecting Trump would be something the Republican Party would champion, but here we are—Biden is ordering his team to defend Trump as if he's still residing in the White House.

Trump’s VIP Treatment: Threats from Tehran

Let’s not forget that just last month, Trump announced there were “big threats” on his life coming from Iran. According to Trump, there have already been two failed attempts on his life—one at a rally in Pennsylvania in July, and another at his golf club in Florida in September. Both of these allegedly mysterious incidents were somehow Iran’s doing. But does anyone have actual evidence? Well, not exactly. But hey, when did that stop the wheels of international conflict?

Nonetheless, Biden has insisted on mobilizing every resource to ensure that Trump, and all other former officials, remain safe from any potential Iranian threat. After all, nobody likes a retired president being targeted, right? Biden has ordered Trump to be protected with the same care and diligence given to sitting presidents. In other words, Trump’s security detail has been upgraded from “golf club security guard” to “Secret Service on steroids.”

Iran Responds: “Not Our Circus, Not Our Clown”

In a predictable yet highly entertaining fashion, Iran has denied any involvement in these assassination attempts. Nasser Kanaani, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, essentially rolled his eyes at the allegations, strongly rejecting the idea that Tehran had anything to do with Trump’s life-threatening adventures. Iran is too busy seeking legal action against Trump for ordering the assassination of their top military commander, Qassem Soleimani, back in January 2020. So no, they’re not obsessing over the guy, despite the accusations.

Tehran’s stance is clear: “We’ll see you in court, not on the battlefield.” But of course, Biden has warned Iran of “severe consequences” should they make any aggressive moves on any American citizens—especially Trump. The message is crystal clear: Don’t even think about touching The Donald, or you’ll face the wrath of an administration that’s barely managing to handle domestic policy.

Iran’s Alleged Revenge Plot: Enter Soleimani

Speaking of Soleimani, Iran hasn’t exactly forgotten that incident. General Qassem Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike near Baghdad’s airport during Trump’s presidency. Ever since, Iran has been promising to avenge their fallen military commander, and according to some officials cited by Politico, Iran’s plans to get even are more “extensive and aggressive” than previously thought.

But if you’re wondering why Iran is allegedly plotting against Trump and not the guy actually in office, well, welcome to international politics, where grudges last longer than presidential terms.

The Real Threat: Chaos, Not Assassination

While Trump continues to claim that there are nefarious plots brewing against him, the intelligence community seems more concerned with the chaos Iran is hoping to spread. It’s not just about taking out the former president; it’s about destabilizing the country as a whole. Allegedly, Tehran is hoping to “sow chaos” across the United States. But honestly, with everything going on domestically, one wonders if Iran even needs to lift a finger.

The Verdict: Protect Trump at All Costs… Or Not?

So, where does this leave us? Biden’s administration is ramping up security for a man who once called him “Sleepy Joe” in front of millions, while Iran denies any involvement in Trump’s assassination attempts. It’s a geopolitical circus, with world leaders treating international threats like reality TV.

But there’s one thing we can all agree on: if there’s one thing that can unite Republicans and Democrats, it’s the idea of preventing Donald Trump from being taken out by a foreign power. Because, after all, if anyone’s going to take Trump down, it’ll probably be an American election. Not Iran.


Q: Has Iran actually made an attempt on Trump’s life?
A: According to Trump, yes. According to Biden’s intelligence team? Not so much. There’s no solid evidence yet tying Iran to any attempts on Trump’s life.

Q: Why is Biden so concerned about Trump’s safety?
A: It’s not just about Trump—it’s about protecting former US officials from international threats. But yes, the irony isn’t lost on anyone that Biden is going out of his way to ensure Trump’s safety.

Q: What’s Iran’s beef with Trump, anyway?
A: Iran has been pretty upset ever since Trump ordered the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani in 2020. They’ve been vowing revenge ever since.

Q: Will the US really go to war over Trump?
A: That’s what Biden’s administration is implying. They’ve warned Iran that any attempt on Trump’s life would be seen as an act of war.

Q: What happens if Iran actually does something?
A: Biden has promised “severe consequences,” so the situation could escalate quickly. However, as of now, Iran denies any involvement in the alleged threats against Trump.

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