Indiana Takes Hypocrisy to a New Level

1 year ago

Fairfax Bar & Grill in Bloomington, Indiana, has taken hypocrisy to a new level. Despite claiming to support free speech,…

Did the CIA Recruit Hijackers?

1 year ago

The argument over the role of US intelligence services in the attacks of September 11 has been rekindled as a…

Did ABC News censor Robert Kennedy Jr. on COVID-19 vaccine claims?

1 year ago

ABC News was accused of censorship after cutting off Robert Kennedy Jr. during an interview about Covid-19 vaccines. The network…

What is the percentage of US high school students who identify as non-heterosexual and how does it relate to mental health issues?

1 year ago

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of US high school students…

Is there a Fair Way for Transgender Athletes to Compete? Balancing Inclusivity and Fairness

1 year ago

The issue of transgender athletes competing against natural-born athletes has been a topic of debate in recent years, with some…

Is Biden’s $2 Million Disinformation Program Promoting a Wok…

1 year ago

It has actually been declared that the administration of Joe Biden has actually dedicated over 2 million dollars worth of…

Is Genuine Debate Allowed in US Media? Tucker Carlson Speaks Out Against Mainstream Outlets

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson made his first public appearance since his departure from Fox News by releasing a video in which he…

Are Trustees for Waterloo Catholic School Board Accountable for Racist and Anti-Christian Remarks on Social Media?

1 year ago

The trustees of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) in Ontario, Canada, were in the middle of their regularly…

RFK Jr. warns of ‘New World Order’ rigging 2024 election to favor Biden

1 year ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, has issued a warning that the so-called "New World…

The Mysterious Dinner Hosted by Joe Biden Honoring Tennessee Legislators

1 year ago

In a meeting that took place not too long ago in the Oval Office, Joe Biden presented the recognition to…